
1892 Taylor Road Auburn Hills, MI 48326 248.373.8995


Carbon Printer Lab

From prototypes to production, manufacturers harness evolving 3-D technology

Champion Plastics’ Jeff Ignatowski recently spoke with Karen Hanna of Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing magazine to discuss how Champion collaborates with its customer’s during the early design stages utilizing 3D printing. “I think any time that you can offer them a total solution, where you’re involved early on in the design, you can help them tweak the design, print a part and try it out. And they say, ‘Yeah, this drafting is not right the way it is, let’s print another one,’ which historically, they would have to pay for a prototype. So, for us to be involved early on in their design cycle is beneficial to them,” Ignatowski said. “Because we help them design for manufacturing, it’s also beneficial for us.” 

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